Things You Should Stop Doing With Your iPhone
Having an iPhone is now considered as a valued possession in this modern era mostly because of the way its iconic features leaving other smartphones looking left out and outdated.
Although Presently, there are certain smartphones that are trying to provide the same features as that of an iPhone, they can’t beat an iPhone.
Unfortunately, most iPhone users don’t use their phone as they should in order to get maximum performance, who know? you too probably don’t treat it as well as you should.
Well, during the course of usage, there are ways by which you might be hurting your iPhone without realising it.
Here are some things you might be doing wrong:
1. Temperature Regulation
2. Never Turning it Off
3. Screen brightness
4. Using Non-Apple Chargers
5. Charging Overnight
6. No Passcode Protection
7. Enabling all Push Notifications
8. Not Keeping it Clean
9. Keeping WI-FI and Bluetooth On
Having seen the above list, now lets briefly teach you on how the above activities affect your iPhone lifespan and how you can easily avoid them.