Free Funny WiFi Name Suggestions 2021
Have you ever thought of changing your WiFi, Router or mobile hotspots’ name to a funny one that will leave your neighbour or friends amused? then you don’t have to think again since I’ve already listed 100+ funny wifi names for you.
A funny Wifi name can either put a shock or smile on your friends face, similarly, it can be used to pass information across to a neighbour, crush or people looking for free WiFi connections.
Without wasting much time, let us get down to our list of funny wifi names but before then, let’s get some tips for choosing a wifi name for your hotspot, wifi or router.
3 Factors to Consider when Choosing a Wifi Name
- Make the name distinct but no hard to remember
- Don’t make your wifi password the same as the Wifi name
- Don’t include details you’re known for as your password. eg, name, D.O.B, Nickname, e,t,c
- Do not Use WiFi
- I Now Declare You Husband and WiFi
- Virus Infected WiFi
- This is not Free
- No Free Wifi for You
- No Devices Found
- CBI Surveillance
- Will You Marry Me?
- Quit Using My Wi-Fi
- My Personal Internet
- I feel GREAT
- Lettuce say Wifi!
- Hilary Clinternet
- Donald Trump
- Very slow internet
- TitanicIsSyncing
- Free virus
- Type John’s full name in CAPS, with no space
- Use This One Mom
- Mom, Click Here For Internet